i=1 i=5 i=6 i=7 i=9 i=11 i=12 i=13 i=15 i=21 i=29 i=37 i=40 i=41 i=45 i=46 i=47 i=256 i=290 i=291 i=296 i=884 i=887 i=7594 i=8912 ns=2;i=3006 ns=2;i=3009 ns=2;i=3011 ns=2;i=3014 ns=2;i=3015 ns=2;i=3016 ns=2;i=3017 IMMMessageClassificationEnumeration This Enumeration specifies the values to be used in the Classification property in the MessageConditionType and related logbook events of OPC 40083 ns=1;i=6049 i=29 EnumValues ns=1;i=3004 i=78 i=68 i=7616 0 OTHER i=7616 100 IMM_INJECTION_UNIT i=7616 101 IMM_CLAMPING_UNIT i=7616 102 IMM_HARDWARE i=7616 103 IMM_COMPRESSED_AIR_CONTROL i=7616 104 IMM_MACHINE_MONITORING i=7616 105 IMM_MOULD i=7616 106 IMM_EJECTOR i=7616 107 IMM_CORE_PULL i=7616 108 IMM_TABLE i=7616 109 IMM_INJECTION_PROGRAM i=7616 110 IMM_HYDRAULIC_TEMPERATURE_CONTROL i=7616 111 IMM_CYLINDER_TEMPERATURE_CONTROL i=7616 112 IMM_MOULD_TEMPERATURE_CONTROL i=7616 113 IMM_HOT_RUNNER i=7616 114 IMM_INTERFACES i=7616 115 IMM_MEASURING_SYSTEM i=7616 116 IMM_ROBOTIC_SYSTEM_INTERFACE i=7616 117 IMM_SPECIAL_PURPOSE_SIGNALS i=7616 118 IMM_REAL_TIME_ETHERNET_SYSTEM i=7616 119 IMM_MACHINE_CONTROLLER i=7616 120 IMM_SOFTWARE_MONITORING i=7616 200 PERIPHERAL_EXTERNAL_DEVICE_INTERFACE i=7616 201 PERIPHERAL_TEMPERATURE_CONTROL_UNIT i=7616 202 PERIPHERAL_ROBOTICS_SYSTEM i=7616 203 PERIPHERAL_LSR i=7616 204 PERIPHERAL_STRIPPER_UNIT i=7616 205 PERIPHERAL_DRYER i=7616 206 PERIPHERAL_CONVEYOR_BELT i=7616 207 PERIPHERAL_SORTER_UNIT i=7616 208 PERIPHERAL_COLOURING_UNIT i=7616 209 PERIPHERAL_FEEDING i=7616 210 PERIPHERAL_EXTERNAL_ALARMS i=7616 211 PERIPHERAL_VACUUM_CONTROL i=7616 212 PERIPHERAL_PRINTER_INTERFACE i=7616 300 OPERATION_QUALITY_MONITORING i=7616 301 OPERATION_MANUAL_OPERATION i=7616 302 OPERATION_EMERGENCY_STOP i=7616 303 OPERATION_JOB_STATUS OPC40077 Collects the data type descriptions of i=72 ns=1;i=6013 i=93 PG9wYzpUeXBlRGljdGlvbmFyeSB4bWxuczp4c2k9Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cudzMub3JnLzIwMDEvWE1MU2NoZ W1hLWluc3RhbmNlIiB4bWxuczp0bnM9Imh0dHA6Ly9vcGNmb3VuZGF0aW9uLm9yZy9VQS9Qb 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GlzdE9mSU1NTWVzc2FnZUNsYXNzaWZpY2F0aW9uRW51bWVyYXRpb24iPgogIDx4czpzZXF1Z W5jZT4KICAgPHhzOmVsZW1lbnQgbWluT2NjdXJzPSIwIiBtYXhPY2N1cnM9InVuYm91bmRlZ CIgdHlwZT0idG5zOklNTU1lc3NhZ2VDbGFzc2lmaWNhdGlvbkVudW1lcmF0aW9uIiBuYW1lP SJJTU1NZXNzYWdlQ2xhc3NpZmljYXRpb25FbnVtZXJhdGlvbiIgbmlsbGFibGU9InRydWUiL z4KICA8L3hzOnNlcXVlbmNlPgogPC94czpjb21wbGV4VHlwZT4KIDx4czplbGVtZW50IHR5c GU9InRuczpMaXN0T2ZJTU1NZXNzYWdlQ2xhc3NpZmljYXRpb25FbnVtZXJhdGlvbiIgbmFtZ T0iTGlzdE9mSU1NTWVzc2FnZUNsYXNzaWZpY2F0aW9uRW51bWVyYXRpb24iIG5pbGxhYmxlP SJ0cnVlIi8+CjwveHM6c2NoZW1hPgo= NamespaceUri A URI that uniquely identifies the dictionary. ns=1;i=6050 i=68 IMM_MES_InterfaceType Root ObjectType representing an injection moulding machine with all its subcomponents for data exchange with an MES ns=2;i=1038 i=58 ns=1;i=5029 ns=1;i=5004 ns=2;i=1011 ns=1;i=5005 ns=1;i=5001 ns=1;i=5009 ns=1;i=5011 ns=1;i=5006 ns=1;i=5035 ns=1;i=5054 ns=1;i=5003 InjectionUnits Container for the injection units ns=1;i=1007 ns=1;i=1016 i=78 ns=1;i=6056 NodeVersion i=78 ns=1;i=5029 i=68 Jobs Management of production jobs on the machine and information on their status including process parameters ns=1;i=5002 ns=1;i=5013 ns=1;i=5019 ns=1;i=1007 ns=2;i=1032 i=80 ns=2;i=1028 ns=1;i=7017 ActiveJob Job that is currently active on the machine ns=1;i=6035 ns=1;i=6036 ns=2;i=1024 ns=1;i=6175 ns=1;i=6037 ns=1;i=6038 i=78 ns=1;i=6039 ns=1;i=6176 ns=1;i=6177 ns=1;i=6003 ns=1;i=6189 ns=1;i=6040 ns=1;i=6045 ns=1;i=6087 ns=1;i=6088 ns=2;i=1025 ns=1;i=7019 ns=1;i=5004 ContinueAtJobEnd Indication if the machine continues the production even if the nominal output has been reached ns=1;i=5002 i=78 i=68 false CustomerName Name of the cumstomer for that the job is produced ns=1;i=5002 i=78 i=68 ExpectedCycleTime Calculated cycle time for the job ns=1;i=5002 i=80 i=68 0 JobDescription Description of the job ns=1;i=5002 i=78 i=68 JobName Name of the job ns=1;i=5002 i=78 i=68 Material Array of material names used for the job i=78 ns=1;i=5002 i=68 MouldId Id of the Mould used for the job ns=1;i=5002 i=80 i=68 NominalBoxParts Number of parts that shall be put into one box ns=1;i=5002 i=80 i=68 0 NominalParts Total number (sum of all cavities) of parts that shall be produced by the job i=78 ns=1;i=5002 i=68 ns=2;i=1025 0 NumCavities Number of cavities in the Mould used for production ns=1;i=5002 i=80 i=68 0 ProductDescription Array of descriptions of the products produced by the job i=78 ns=1;i=5002 i=68 ProductionDatasetDescription Additional description of the production dataset which is needed for the job i=78 ns=1;i=5002 i=68 ProductionDatasetName Name of the production dataset which is needed for the job i=78 ns=1;i=5002 i=68 ProductName Array of product names produced by the job i=78 ns=1;i=5002 i=68 SetCyclicJobData Method for setting the data for cyclic jobs ns=1;i=6019 i=78 ns=1;i=5002 InputArguments i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=7019 i=297 JobName i=12 -1 i=297 JobDescription i=12 -1 i=297 CustomerName i=12 -1 i=297 ProductionDatasetName i=12 -1 i=297 ProductionDatasetDescription i=12 -1 i=297 Material i=12 1 i=297 ProductName i=12 1 i=297 ProductDescription i=12 1 i=297 ContinueAtJobEnd i=1 -1 i=297 NominalParts i=9 -1 i=297 NominalBoxParts i=9 -1 i=297 ExpectedCycleTime i=290 -1 i=297 MouldId i=12 -1 i=297 NumCavities i=7 -1 ActiveJobValues Status of the job ns=2;i=1031 ns=1;i=5004 ns=1;i=6135 ns=1;i=6190 ns=1;i=6192 ns=1;i=6193 ns=1;i=6196 ns=1;i=6198 ns=1;i=6199 ns=1;i=6133 ns=1;i=7016 ns=1;i=7020 ns=1;i=6089 ns=1;i=6090 ns=1;i=6091 ns=1;i=6092 ns=1;i=6134 ns=1;i=6115 ns=1;i=6127 ns=1;i=6200 ns=1;i=6201 i=78 ns=1;i=7022 ns=1;i=7023 ns=1;i=7014 ns=1;i=7021 ns=1;i=7015 AverageCycleTime Average cycle time ns=1;i=5013 i=63 i=80 0 BoxBadPartsCounter Number of bad parts produced in the current box i=63 ns=1;i=5013 i=80 0 BoxCycleCounter Number of finished cycles for the current box i=63 ns=1;i=5013 i=80 0 BoxGoodPartsCounter Number of good parts produced in the current box i=63 ns=1;i=5013 i=80 0 BoxId Id of the box in which the current production is put in ns=1;i=5013 i=80 i=68 BoxPartsCounter Total number of parts produced in the current box i=63 ns=1;i=5013 i=80 0 BoxTestSamplesCounter Number of test sample parts produced in the current box i=63 ns=1;i=5013 i=80 0 CurrentLotName Name of the current production lot ns=1;i=5013 i=78 i=68 FinishJob With this Method the client (e.g. MES) requests the machine to change the JobStatus to JOB_FINISHED_8 ns=1;i=5013 i=78 InterruptJob With this Method the client (e.g. MES) requests the machine to change the JobStatus to JOB_INTERRUPTED_7 ns=1;i=5013 i=78 JobBadPartsCounter Number of bad parts produced in the current job i=63 ns=1;i=5013 i=78 0 JobCycleCounter Number of finished cycles in the job i=63 ns=1;i=5013 i=78 0 JobGoodPartsCounter Number of good parts produced in the current job i=63 ns=1;i=5013 i=78 0 JobPartsCounter Total number of parts produced in the current job i=63 ns=1;i=5013 i=78 0 JobStatus Current status of the job ns=1;i=5013 i=78 i=68 0 JobTestSamplesCounter Number of test sample parts produced in the current job i=63 ns=1;i=5013 i=78 0 LastCycleTime Time of the recently finished cycle i=63 ns=1;i=5013 i=78 0 LastPartId Id(s) of the parts produced in the recently finished cycle i=63 ns=1;i=5013 i=80 MachineCycleCounter Number of finished cycles in the machine life time i=63 ns=1;i=5013 i=80 0 ResetAverageCycleTime Initiates a new calculation of the average cycle time for the job i=80 ns=1;i=5013 ResetBoxCounters Setting the cycle and parts counters for the current box to 0 i=80 ns=1;i=5013 ResetJobCounters Setting the cycle and parts counters for the job to 0 i=78 ns=1;i=5013 StartJob With this Method the client (e.g. MES) request the machine to change the JobStatus to JOB_IN_PRODUCTION_6 i=78 ns=1;i=5013 StopAtCycleEnd Directs the machine to stop at the end of the current cycle i=78 ns=1;i=5013 JobInPreparation Job in a preparation layer of the machine ns=1;i=6096 ns=1;i=6108 ns=2;i=1024 ns=1;i=6202 ns=1;i=6109 ns=1;i=5004 ns=1;i=6110 ns=1;i=6111 ns=1;i=6203 ns=1;i=6204 ns=1;i=6094 ns=1;i=6205 i=80 ns=1;i=6112 ns=1;i=6113 ns=1;i=6144 ns=1;i=6145 ns=2;i=1025 ns=1;i=7026 ContinueAtJobEnd Indication if the machine continues the production even if the nominal output has been reached ns=1;i=5019 i=78 i=68 false CustomerName Name of the cumstomer for that the job is produced ns=1;i=5019 i=78 i=68 ExpectedCycleTime Calculated cycle time for the job ns=1;i=5019 i=80 i=68 0 JobDescription Description of the job ns=1;i=5019 i=78 i=68 JobName Name of the job ns=1;i=5019 i=78 i=68 Material Array of material names used for the job i=78 ns=1;i=5019 i=68 MouldId Id of the Mould used for the job ns=1;i=5019 i=80 i=68 NominalBoxParts Number of parts that shall be put into one box ns=1;i=5019 i=80 i=68 0 NominalParts Total number (sum of all cavities) of parts that shall be produced by the job i=78 ns=1;i=5019 i=68 ns=2;i=1025 0 NumCavities Number of cavities in the Mould used for production ns=1;i=5019 i=80 i=68 0 ProductDescription Array of descriptions of the products produced by the job i=78 ns=1;i=5019 i=68 ProductionDatasetDescription Additional description of the production dataset which is needed for the job i=78 ns=1;i=5019 i=68 ProductionDatasetName Name of the production dataset which is needed for the job i=78 ns=1;i=5019 i=68 ProductName Array of product names produced by the job i=78 ns=1;i=5019 i=68 SetCyclicJobData Method for setting the data for cyclic jobs ns=1;i=6095 i=78 ns=1;i=5019 InputArguments i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=7026 i=297 JobName i=12 -1 i=297 JobDescription i=12 -1 i=297 CustomerName i=12 -1 i=297 ProductionDatasetName i=12 -1 i=297 ProductionDatasetDescription i=12 -1 i=297 Material i=12 1 i=297 ProductName i=12 1 i=297 ProductDescription i=12 1 i=297 ContinueAtJobEnd i=1 -1 i=297 NominalParts i=9 -1 i=297 NominalBoxParts i=9 -1 i=297 ExpectedCycleTime i=290 -1 i=297 MouldId i=12 -1 i=297 NumCavities i=7 -1 SendCyclicJobList Sends a list of jobs for cyclic processes available on the client to the server ns=1;i=6114 i=80 ns=1;i=5004 InputArguments i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=7017 i=297 JobList ns=2;i=3022 1 MachineConfiguration Current configuration of the machine ns=1;i=7029 ns=1;i=7030 ns=1;i=6029 ns=1;i=1007 ns=2;i=1016 i=78 ns=1;i=6079 ns=1;i=7005 ns=1;i=6033 ns=1;i=6034 GetCurrentPage Method for retrieving a screenshot of the control system with the currently shown contents ns=1;i=5005 ns=1;i=6075 i=80 ns=1;i=6076 InputArguments i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=7029 i=297 VisualisationUnit i=7 -1 OutputArguments i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=7029 i=297 Page i=30 -1 GetPage Method for retrieving the image of a page of the control system ns=1;i=5005 ns=1;i=6077 i=80 ns=1;i=6078 InputArguments i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=7030 i=297 Id i=12 -1 OutputArguments i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=7030 i=297 Page i=30 -1 LocationName Description of the location of the machine given by the machine operator or OPC client ns=1;i=5005 i=78 i=68 PageDirectory List of the pages that are implemented in the machine control system and are shown on the screen of the machine i=80 ns=1;i=5005 i=68 SetMachineTime Method for setting the server time together with TimeZoneOffset ns=1;i=6030 i=78 ns=1;i=5005 InputArguments i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=7005 i=297 DateTime i=13 -1 i=297 TimeZoneOffset i=8912 -1 TimeZoneOffset Difference of the local time to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) given by the machine operator or OPC client i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=5005 i=8913 0 false UserMachineName Description of the machine given by the machine operator or OPC client i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=5005 MachineInformation General description of the machine ns=1;i=6022 ns=1;i=6023 ns=1;i=6001 ns=1;i=6002 ns=1;i=6024 ns=1;i=6025 ns=1;i=6084 ns=1;i=1007 ns=2;i=1009 i=78 ns=1;i=6004 ns=1;i=6161 ns=1;i=6005 ns=1;i=6171 ns=1;i=6172 ns=1;i=6173 ns=1;i=6017 ns=1;i=6174 ns=1;i=6021 AssetId ns=1;i=5001 i=80 i=68 ComponentName ns=1;i=5001 i=80 i=68 ControllerName Name of the machine controller ns=1;i=5001 i=78 i=68 DeviceClass Indicates in which domain or for what purpose a device is used. ns=1;i=5001 i=78 i=68 DeviceManual ns=1;i=5001 i=80 i=68 DeviceRevision ns=1;i=5001 i=80 i=68 HardwareRevision ns=1;i=5001 i=80 i=68 Manufacturer Name of the company that manufactured the device i=78 ns=1;i=5001 i=68 ManufacturerUri ns=1;i=5001 i=80 i=68 Model Model name of the device i=78 ns=1;i=5001 i=68 ProductCode i=80 ns=1;i=5001 i=68 ProductInstanceUri i=80 ns=1;i=5001 i=68 RevisionCounter i=80 i=68 ns=1;i=5001 SerialNumber Identifier that uniquely identifies, within a manufacturer, a device instance i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=5001 SoftwareRevision i=80 i=68 ns=1;i=5001 SupportedLogbookEvents Information which LogbookEvents are supported by the machine i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=5001 MachineMESConfiguration Current configuration of a machine related to a Manufacturing Execution System (MES) ns=1;i=1007 ns=2;i=1018 i=78 ns=1;i=6085 ns=1;i=6043 ns=1;i=6044 MESUrl URL to display a webpage generated by the MES in a web browser integrated in the machine ns=1;i=5009 i=80 i=68 0 StandstillReasons List of the standstill reasons from which one is selected by the operator in the case of a standstill i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=5009 StandstillReasonsLockedByMES Indication if the list StandstillReasons has been modified by the MES and may not be changed by the machine i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=5009 false MachineMESStatus Current status of a machine related to the MES ns=1;i=7006 ns=1;i=1007 ns=2;i=1020 i=78 ns=1;i=5012 ns=2;i=1004 ns=1;i=5015 ns=1;i=7009 ns=1;i=5016 ns=1;i=6073 ClearMESMessage Method for clearing the MESMessage ns=1;i=5011 i=78 MESMessage Text message sent from the MES to be shown on the machine ns=1;i=6010 i=78 ns=1;i=5011 ns=2;i=1051 ns=1;i=6011 ns=2;i=1004 ns=1;i=6014 Id Id of the message ns=1;i=5012 i=78 i=68 Message Text of the message i=78 ns=1;i=5012 i=68 Severity Severity of the message i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=5012 0 ProductionControl Control of the production of the machine by MES ns=1;i=6015 ns=1;i=7007 ns=1;i=7008 i=78 ns=2;i=1004 ns=1;i=5011 ns=2;i=1017 ns=1;i=6207 ns=1;i=6046 ns=1;i=6047 ns=1;i=7024 ns=1;i=7025 ns=1;i=7027 AutomaticRunEnabled Indication if semi-automatic and automatic run of the machine is allowed by MES ns=1;i=5015 i=78 i=68 false DisableAutomaticRun Method for disabling the semi-automatic and automatic run of the machine ns=1;i=5015 i=78 EnableAutomaticRun Method for enabling the semi-automatic and automatic run of the machine ns=1;i=5015 i=78 ProductionOnlyWithMES Indication if production with the machine is only allowed when the MES is active i=80 ns=1;i=5015 i=68 false ProductionReleasedByMES Indication if ProductionStatus may have the value PRODUCTION_4 i=78 ns=1;i=5015 i=68 false ProductionStatus Production status when the machine is in automatic or semi-automatic mode i=78 ns=1;i=5015 i=68 0 RequestTestSample The machine shall separate a test sample (e.g. for quality check). The size of the test sample depends on the product/machine configuration. i=80 ns=1;i=5015 ResetWatchDog Setting the watch dog timer to the value set by the last calling of SetWatchDogTime i=80 ns=1;i=5015 SetWatchDogTime Release of production for a given time ns=1;i=6209 i=80 ns=1;i=5015 InputArguments i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=7027 i=297 WatchDogTime i=6 -1 SetMESMessage Method for setting the MESMessage ns=1;i=6048 i=78 ns=1;i=5011 InputArguments i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=7009 i=297 Id i=12 -1 i=297 Message i=12 -1 i=297 Severity i=5 -1 StandstillMessage ns=1;i=6052 ns=1;i=6053 i=78 ns=1;i=6054 ns=2;i=1004 ns=1;i=6055 ns=1;i=5011 ns=2;i=1026 Classification Classification of the message ns=1;i=5016 i=78 i=68 Id Id of the message ns=1;i=5016 i=78 i=68 Message Text of the message i=78 ns=1;i=5016 i=68 Severity Severity of the message i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=5016 0 StandstillReasonId Id of the StandstillReason set by the operator after a standstill occurs i=78 ns=2;i=1004 i=68 ns=1;i=5011 MachineStatus Information on the current status of the machine ns=1;i=7010 ns=1;i=7011 ns=1;i=6007 ns=1;i=6008 ns=1;i=1007 ns=2;i=1019 i=78 ns=1;i=5010 ActivateSleepMode Method for activation of sleep mode ns=1;i=5006 i=80 DeactivateSleepMode Method for deactivation of sleep mode ns=1;i=5006 i=80 IsPresent Indication if the machine is physically present and connected ns=1;i=5006 i=78 i=68 false MachineMode Current machine mode (as defined by mode selector on the machine) ns=1;i=5006 i=78 i=68 0 Users Container for the user(s) of the machine i=78 ns=1;i=6009 ns=1;i=5006 ns=2;i=1048 NodeVersion i=78 ns=1;i=5010 i=68 Moulds Container for the moulds i=78 ns=1;i=1007 ns=2;i=1050 ns=1;i=6074 NodeVersion i=78 ns=1;i=5035 i=68 PowerUnits Container for the power units i=78 ns=1;i=6086 ns=1;i=1007 ns=2;i=1049 NodeVersion i=78 ns=1;i=5054 i=68 ProductionDatasetManagement Management of production datasets ns=1;i=5007 ns=1;i=7004 i=80 ns=1;i=5014 ns=1;i=5020 ns=1;i=1007 ns=2;i=1008 ns=1;i=5008 ns=1;i=7018 ActiveProductionDatasetStatus Status of the active production dataset ns=1;i=5003 ns=1;i=6212 ns=1;i=6020 ns=1;i=7028 i=78 ns=1;i=6215 ns=2;i=1039 ns=1;i=7031 Frozen Indication if changes on the machine in the production dataset are allowed ns=1;i=5007 i=80 i=68 false Information Set of information on the production dataset ns=1;i=5007 i=78 i=68 ns=2;i=5009 1900-01-01T00:00:00Z 1900-01-01T00:00:00Z 1900-01-01T00:00:00Z 0 Load Loads a production dataset from the file system of the machine to the control of the machine ns=1;i=6213 ns=1;i=5007 i=80 InputArguments i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=7028 i=297 Name i=12 -1 i=297 Components i=5 1 Modified Indication if the production dataset has been changed after the last storage ns=1;i=5007 i=80 i=68 false Save Stores a production dataset from the control of the machine to the file system of the machine ns=1;i=6216 i=80 ns=1;i=5007 InputArguments i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=7031 i=297 Name i=12 -1 GetProductionDatasetInformation This Method allows reading the description of a production dataset during the file transfer from the server to the client with ProductionDatasetTransfer ns=1;i=5003 ns=1;i=6124 i=80 ns=1;i=6125 InputArguments i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=7004 i=297 fileHandle i=7 -1 OutputArguments i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=7004 i=297 Information ns=2;i=3006 -1 ProductionDatasetInPreparationStatus Status of the production dataset in the preparation layer ns=1;i=6217 ns=1;i=6126 ns=1;i=7032 ns=1;i=6219 i=80 ns=1;i=5003 ns=2;i=1039 ns=1;i=7033 Frozen Indication if changes on the machine in the production dataset are allowed ns=1;i=5014 i=80 i=68 false Information Set of information on the production dataset ns=1;i=5014 i=78 i=68 ns=2;i=5009 1900-01-01T00:00:00Z 1900-01-01T00:00:00Z 1900-01-01T00:00:00Z 0 Load Loads a production dataset from the file system of the machine to the control of the machine ns=1;i=6218 ns=1;i=5014 i=80 InputArguments i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=7032 i=297 Name i=12 -1 i=297 Components i=5 1 Modified Indication if the production dataset has been changed after the last storage ns=1;i=5014 i=80 i=68 false Save Stores a production dataset from the control of the machine to the file system of the machine ns=1;i=6220 i=80 ns=1;i=5014 InputArguments i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=7033 i=297 Name i=12 -1 ProductionDatasetLists Functions for exchanging information on the available production datasets on client and server ns=1;i=7012 i=80 ns=1;i=5003 ns=2;i=1003 ns=2;i=1040 ns=1;i=7013 GetProductionDatasetList ns=1;i=5020 ns=1;i=6137 i=78 ns=1;i=6138 InputArguments i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=7012 i=297 NameFilter i=12 -1 i=297 MouldId i=12 -1 OutputArguments i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=7012 i=297 ProductionDatasetList ns=2;i=3006 1 SendProductionDatasetList ns=1;i=6139 i=78 ns=1;i=5020 InputArguments i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=7013 i=297 ProductionDatasetList ns=2;i=3006 1 ProductionDatasetTransfer Transfer of production datasets between server and client ns=1;i=6026 ns=1;i=7001 ns=1;i=7002 ns=1;i=7003 i=78 ns=1;i=5003 ns=2;i=1040 ns=2;i=1006 ns=2;i=1007 i=15744 ClientProcessingTimeout ns=1;i=5008 i=78 i=68 CloseAndCommit ns=1;i=5008 ns=1;i=6027 i=78 ns=1;i=6028 InputArguments i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=7001 i=297 FileHandle i=7 -1 OutputArguments i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=7001 i=297 CompletionStateMachine i=17 -1 GenerateFileForRead ns=1;i=5008 ns=1;i=6041 i=78 ns=1;i=6042 InputArguments i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=7002 i=297 GenerateOptions ns=2;i=3007 -1 OutputArguments i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=7002 i=297 FileNodeId i=17 -1 i=297 FileHandle i=7 -1 i=297 CompletionStateMachine i=17 -1 GenerateFileForWrite ns=1;i=5008 ns=1;i=6116 i=78 ns=1;i=6123 InputArguments i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=7003 i=297 GenerateOptions ns=2;i=3004 -1 OutputArguments i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=7003 i=297 FileNodeId i=17 -1 i=297 FileHandle i=7 -1 SendProductionDatasetInformation This Method allows sending of the description of a production dataset during the file transfer from the client to the server with ProductionDatasetTransfer ns=1;i=6140 i=80 ns=1;i=5003 InputArguments i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=7018 i=297 fileHandle i=7 -1 i=297 Information ns=2;i=3006 -1 InjectionUnitCycleParametersType ns=1;i=6118 ns=1;i=6129 ns=1;i=6093 ns=1;i=6441 ns=1;i=6131 ns=1;i=6064 ns=1;i=6059 ns=1;i=6160 ns=1;i=6146 ns=1;i=6148 ns=1;i=6150 ns=1;i=6152 ns=1;i=6188 ns=1;i=6107 ns=1;i=6065 ns=1;i=6061 ns=1;i=6164 ns=1;i=6060 i=58 ns=1;i=6208 ns=1;i=6211 ns=1;i=6194 ns=1;i=6197 ns=1;i=6223 ns=1;i=6225 ns=1;i=6067 ns=1;i=6069 ns=1;i=6063 ns=1;i=6247 ns=1;i=6117 ns=1;i=6156 ns=1;i=6228 ns=1;i=6071 ns=1;i=6254 ns=1;i=6166 BackPressure Back pressure is the melt-pressure against the screw movement during dosage i=2368 ns=1;i=1039 ns=1;i=6120 ns=1;i=6119 i=80 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6118 i=78 i=68 i=888 -1 EURange ns=1;i=6118 i=78 i=68 CavityPressureMaximum Maximum pressure during the injection process in the cavity or mould i=2368 ns=1;i=1039 ns=1;i=6448 ns=1;i=6130 i=80 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6129 i=78 i=68 i=888 -1 EURange ns=1;i=6129 i=78 i=68 CushionStroke Stroke position at cushion i=2368 ns=1;i=1039 ns=1;i=6122 ns=1;i=6121 i=80 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6093 i=80 i=68 EURange ns=1;i=6093 i=78 i=68 CushionVolume Material volume remained in front of the screw after injection and holding pressure i=2368 ns=1;i=1039 ns=1;i=6475 ns=1;i=6442 i=78 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6441 i=78 i=68 EURange ns=1;i=6441 i=78 i=68 DecompressionVolumeAfterPlastification Decompression after plastification is the movement of the screw in the opposite direction to injection i=2368 ns=1;i=1039 ns=1;i=6449 ns=1;i=6132 i=80 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6131 i=78 i=68 i=888 -1 EURange ns=1;i=6131 i=78 i=68 DecompressionVolumeBeforePlastification Decompression before plastification is the movement of the screw in the opposite direction to injection i=2368 ns=1;i=1039 ns=1;i=6450 ns=1;i=6136 i=80 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6064 i=78 i=68 i=888 -1 EURange ns=1;i=6064 i=78 i=68 DosingTime Time to melt-up the plastic granulates and feed the melt for the next injection shot to the front of the screw i=63 ns=1;i=1039 i=78 0 FlowIndex Flow index i=2368 ns=1;i=6168 ns=1;i=6163 ns=1;i=1039 i=80 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6160 i=78 i=68 EURange ns=1;i=6160 i=78 i=68 HoldHydraulicPressureAverage Average holding pressure in the hydraulic cylinder i=2368 ns=1;i=6454 ns=1;i=6147 ns=1;i=1039 i=80 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6146 i=78 i=68 i=888 -1 EURange ns=1;i=6146 i=78 i=68 HoldHydraulicPressureMaximum Maximum holding pressure in the hydraulic cylinder i=2368 ns=1;i=6455 ns=1;i=6149 ns=1;i=1039 i=80 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6148 i=78 i=68 i=888 -1 EURange ns=1;i=6148 i=78 i=68 HoldSpecificPressureAverage Average holding pressure in front of the screw i=2368 ns=1;i=6456 ns=1;i=6151 ns=1;i=1039 i=80 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6150 i=78 i=68 i=888 -1 EURange ns=1;i=6150 i=78 i=68 HoldSpecificPressureMaximum Maximum holding pressure in front of the screw i=2368 ns=1;i=6457 ns=1;i=6153 ns=1;i=1039 i=80 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6152 i=78 i=68 i=888 -1 EURange ns=1;i=6152 i=78 i=68 HydraulicPressureMaximum Maximum pressure in the hydraulic cylinder i=2368 ns=1;i=6459 ns=1;i=6191 ns=1;i=1039 i=80 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6188 i=78 i=68 i=888 -1 EURange ns=1;i=6188 i=78 i=68 Index Index of the injection unit ns=1;i=1039 i=78 i=68 0 InjectionSpeedAverage Average injection speed (e.g. mm/s) i=2368 ns=1;i=6016 ns=1;i=6066 ns=1;i=1039 i=80 0 EngineeringUnits i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=6065 EURange ns=1;i=6065 i=78 i=68 InjectionSpeedMaximum Maximum injection speed (e.g. mm/s) i=2368 ns=1;i=6032 ns=1;i=6062 ns=1;i=1039 i=80 0 EngineeringUnits i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=6061 EURange ns=1;i=6061 i=78 i=68 InjectionStartPosition Start position of the injection i=2368 ns=1;i=6169 ns=1;i=6165 ns=1;i=1039 i=80 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6164 i=78 i=68 EURange ns=1;i=6164 i=78 i=68 InjectionTime Time required to fill the cavity or mould i=63 ns=1;i=1039 i=78 0 PlastificationCircumferentialSpeedAverage Average screw circumferential speed for plastification (e.g. mm/s) i=2368 ns=1;i=6472 ns=1;i=6210 i=80 ns=1;i=1039 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6208 i=78 i=68 i=888 -1 EURange ns=1;i=6208 i=78 i=68 PlastificationCircumferentialSpeedMaximum Maximum screw circumferential speed for plastification (e.g. mm/s) i=2368 ns=1;i=6473 ns=1;i=6214 i=80 ns=1;i=1039 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6211 i=78 i=68 i=888 -1 EURange ns=1;i=6211 i=78 i=68 PlastificationHydraulicPressureAverage Average plastification pressure in cylinder i=2368 ns=1;i=6080 ns=1;i=6195 i=80 ns=1;i=1039 0 EngineeringUnits i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=6194 EURange ns=1;i=6194 i=78 i=68 PlastificationHydraulicPressureMaximum Maximum plastification pressure in cylinder i=2368 ns=1;i=6471 ns=1;i=6206 i=80 ns=1;i=1039 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6197 i=78 i=68 i=888 -1 EURange ns=1;i=6197 i=78 i=68 PlastificationRotationalSpeedAverage Average plastification speed of the injection unit (RPM) i=2368 ns=1;i=6474 ns=1;i=6224 i=80 ns=1;i=1039 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6223 i=78 i=68 i=888 -1 EURange ns=1;i=6223 i=78 i=68 PlastificationRotationalSpeedMaximum Maximum plastification speed of the injection unit (RPM) i=2368 ns=1;i=6476 ns=1;i=6226 i=80 ns=1;i=1039 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6225 i=78 i=68 i=888 -1 EURange ns=1;i=6225 i=78 i=68 PlastificationSpecificPressureAverage Average plastification pressure in front of the screw tip i=2368 ns=1;i=6081 ns=1;i=6068 i=80 ns=1;i=1039 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6067 i=78 i=68 EURange ns=1;i=6067 i=78 i=68 PlastificationSpecificPressureMaximum Maximum plastification pressure in front of the screw tip i=2368 ns=1;i=6082 ns=1;i=6070 i=80 ns=1;i=1039 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6069 i=78 i=68 EURange ns=1;i=6069 i=78 i=68 PlastificationVolume Volume dosed by the machine for the next injection shot i=2368 ns=1;i=6477 ns=1;i=6227 i=78 ns=1;i=1039 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6063 i=78 i=68 i=888 -1 EURange ns=1;i=6063 i=78 i=68 SpecificPressureMaximum Pressure in front of the screw tip i=2368 ns=1;i=6479 ns=1;i=6248 i=78 ns=1;i=1039 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6247 i=78 i=68 i=888 -1 EURange ns=1;i=6247 i=78 i=68 TransferCavityPressure Cavity pressure in the mould during switch-over to the holding pressure i=2368 ns=1;i=6428 ns=1;i=6128 i=80 ns=1;i=1039 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6117 i=78 i=68 i=888 -1 EURange ns=1;i=6117 i=78 i=68 TransferHydraulicPressure Hydraulic pressure in the cylinder during switch-over to the holding pressure i=2368 ns=1;i=6458 ns=1;i=6162 i=80 ns=1;i=1039 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6156 i=78 i=68 i=888 -1 EURange ns=1;i=6156 i=78 i=68 TransferSpecificPressure Pressure in front of the screw tip during switch-over to the holding pressure i=2368 ns=1;i=6478 ns=1;i=6246 i=80 ns=1;i=1039 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6228 i=78 i=68 i=888 -1 EURange ns=1;i=6228 i=78 i=68 TransferStroke Switch-over point to the holding pressure via stroke i=2368 ns=1;i=6083 ns=1;i=6072 i=80 ns=1;i=1039 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6071 i=78 i=68 EURange ns=1;i=6071 i=78 i=68 TransferVolume Switch-over point to the holding pressure via volume i=2368 ns=1;i=6481 ns=1;i=6427 i=80 ns=1;i=1039 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6254 i=78 i=68 i=888 -1 EURange ns=1;i=6254 i=78 i=68 VPChangeOverPosition Screw position at switching between injection (V) and holding pressure (P) i=2368 ns=1;i=6170 ns=1;i=6167 i=80 ns=1;i=1039 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6166 i=78 i=68 EURange ns=1;i=6166 i=78 i=68 InjectionUnitsType Container for objects of InjectionUnitType i=2133 ns=1;i=5027 i=58 ns=1;i=6006 InjectionUnit_<Nr> ns=1;i=6018 ns=1;i=6157 ns=1;i=1016 ns=1;i=1028 ns=1;i=6178 ns=1;i=6179 ns=1;i=6180 i=11508 ns=1;i=6183 ns=1;i=6185 ns=1;i=6186 ns=1;i=5018 BarrelId Id (e.g. serial number) of the barrel ns=1;i=5027 i=78 i=68 Index Number of the injection unit ns=1;i=5027 i=78 i=68 0 InProduction information if the injection unit is used in the current running production ns=1;i=5027 i=78 i=68 true IsPresent Information if the injection unit is physically installed on the injection machines ns=1;i=5027 i=78 i=68 true MaxScrewStroke maximum stroke of the screw installed in the injection unit i=2368 ns=1;i=6181 ns=1;i=6182 ns=1;i=5027 i=80 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6180 i=78 i=68 EURange ns=1;i=6180 i=78 i=68 ScrewDiameter diameter of the screw installed in the injection unit i=2368 ns=1;i=6252 ns=1;i=6184 i=80 ns=1;i=5027 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6183 i=78 i=68 i=888 -1 EURange ns=1;i=6183 i=78 i=68 ScrewId Id of the screw installed in the injection unit i=80 i=68 ns=1;i=5027 ScrewVolume volume of the screw installed in the injection unit i=2368 ns=1;i=6031 ns=1;i=6187 i=80 ns=1;i=5027 0 EngineeringUnits i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=6186 i=888 -1 EURange ns=1;i=6186 i=78 i=68 TemperatureZones container for the barrel temperature zones of the injection unit i=78 ns=1;i=6058 ns=2;i=1055 ns=1;i=5027 NodeVersion i=78 ns=1;i=5018 i=68 NodeVersion i=78 ns=1;i=1016 i=68 InjectionUnitType Description and status of an injection unit ns=1;i=6097 ns=1;i=6724 i=58 ns=1;i=6099 ns=1;i=6098 ns=1;i=6102 ns=1;i=6100 ns=1;i=6106 ns=1;i=6104 ns=1;i=5017 BarrelId Id (e.g. serial number) of the barrel ns=1;i=1028 i=78 i=68 Index Number of the injection unit ns=1;i=1028 i=78 i=68 0 InProduction information if the injection unit is used in the current running production ns=1;i=1028 i=78 i=68 true IsPresent Information if the injection unit is physically installed on the injection machines ns=1;i=1028 i=78 i=68 true MaxScrewStroke maximum stroke of the screw installed in the injection unit i=2368 ns=1;i=6689 ns=1;i=6103 ns=1;i=1028 i=80 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6102 i=78 i=68 EURange ns=1;i=6102 i=78 i=68 ScrewDiameter diameter of the screw installed in the injection unit i=2368 ns=1;i=6691 ns=1;i=6101 i=80 ns=1;i=1028 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6100 i=78 i=68 i=888 -1 EURange ns=1;i=6100 i=78 i=68 ScrewId Id of the screw installed in the injection unit i=80 i=68 ns=1;i=1028 ScrewVolume volume of the screw installed in the injection unit i=2368 ns=1;i=6251 ns=1;i=6105 i=80 ns=1;i=1028 0 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6104 i=78 i=68 i=888 -1 EURange ns=1;i=6104 i=78 i=68 TemperatureZones container for the barrel temperature zones of the injection unit i=78 ns=1;i=6057 ns=1;i=1028 ns=2;i=1055 NodeVersion i=78 ns=1;i=5017 i=68 ns=1;i=6141 i=11616 i=11715 ns=1;i=6142 ns=1;i=6143 ns=1;i=6154 ns=1;i=6155 ns=1;i=6158 ns=1;i=6159 IsNamespaceSubset ns=1;i=5021 i=68 false NamespacePublicationDate ns=1;i=5021 i=68 2020-06-01T00:00:00Z NamespaceUri ns=1;i=5021 i=68 NamespaceVersion ns=1;i=5021 i=68 1.01 StaticNodeIdTypes i=68 ns=1;i=5021 0 StaticNumericNodeIdRange i=68 ns=1;i=5021 StaticStringNodeIdPattern i=68 ns=1;i=5021